Why Women can do a Better Job in Ruling the World, Than Men
If man is so clever and intelligent, why is he incapable of solving fundamental problems like crime, war, injustice, poverty and suffering?
We are so negative about ourselves. Religion teaches us, "we are born in sin", the scientific 'Selfish Gene' theory claims we are all basically selfish. Capitalists tell us that "greed is good", because man can only be motivated by greed. We are also told that ideals like love and compassion are unrealistic and impracticable in our cruel world.
These beliefs encourage us to fear and hate each other. As we blame, condemn, punish and try to control others in a futile attempt to impose order in our chaotic world. Yet we know human beings are also capable of love and compassion, as well as intelligent and rational behaviour. So why are we not using our great intelligence to create a caring and loving world?
Men cannot claim that the problems of the world are unsolvable because men have the intelligence and problem solving skills to put people into space, invent computers and produce all the wonders of modern technology. So why are not men, who rule our world, using his great intelligence and vast resources to overcome the suffering of our world?
The problem is that men's basic instinctive drives, motivate him to compete and fight, bringing about a world of violence, warfare and injustice. Men are emotionally incapable of creating a caring and compassionate world. This is why we need women to rule our world instead.
This Blog explains how and why we have created our insane world of suffering and how we can choose to create a loving and caring planet.